Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yummy Austin

This is Austin, truly one of the cutest patooties on the face of the earth! That face! The hat! I gush every time I look at these. We spent a brisk, yet sunny Sunday morning in the Japanese Gardens with his wonderful parents Trish & Chris and their equally cool dogs Grace & Brutus. When I delivered their portraits I couldn't help but linger over them one last time... I enjoy the whole process, but when the prints come back - it's like magic - as the colors and the moments come to life, and you give this beautiful little slice of time back to the family, who will cherish the memory forever... Needless to say: I love what I do, & I can't wait to work with Trish & Chris and their beautiful son again in the future!

Friday, October 30, 2009

My Autumn Beauty

I love her expression here, it's so..., so quintessentially "Three years old" It says: "Mom, will you please GET ON WITH IT ALREADY? Your kinda cramping my style, after all there is a PLAYGROUND 25 feet away with my name all over it..." Today I asked her to please bring me her empty bowl while I was washing dishes and she goes: "I'd really love to Mom but I'm busy right now, SORRY!" What could I do but get the bowl myself, trying not to laugh my pants off! So here she is, my forthright, hilarious, beautiful moondrop of a daughter, surrounded by the splendor of Autumn, shining like the light dancing on the leaves...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Alyssa & Her Treasures!

Oh! The beauty & wonder & FUN of being 5! Alyssa is all of that and more bundled up in a gorgeous, friendly package! I had so much fun following her around with my camera, searching for "beauteous" spots - she found some great ones, and lots of TREASURE! That's one of the best things about children, they find treasure everywhere, leaves, rocks, anything that catches their eye... It would behoove us as adults to slow down & see the beauty & treasure all around us!

Monday, October 19, 2009

1 Exquisite Autumn Day & 2 Fantastic Dogs

On Sunday, I met Andrea & John at Glen Falls Park - my jaw dropped when I arrived at how gorgeous the Fall colors shone in this idyllic setting - I couldn't wait to get started! Andrea is an absolute treasure to work with, she LOVES photography and is very patient & understanding of the nuances & details that make up "my visions". We explored the beautiful historic cider mill, John had been there as a child & it was wonderful to hear him speak of it's history with passion & nostalgia. After that I got to meet the dashingly handsome Brody & beautiful Bella (I love unique beauty like Bella's, she is one of a kind!) The whole evening felt like a treat - it was THAT enjoyable, so I drove home into the sunset, smiling and sipping a hot chocolate from Tim Horton's thinking LIFE IS SO DAMN GOOD!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tim & Dorene

Dorene & Tim & our Beautiful city! I'm gushing & smiling as I remember how AWESOME that day was & how much I love working with them, but I'm having trouble finding the words for these wonderful emotions. SO, I'm leaving it up to the images to convey the beautiful story of their love, & their special day...

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Happiness That Is

We went to Tift Farms one beautiful evening to catch bugs, watch the sunset over the lake, and have yummy smores over a campfire. It was HEAVEN! Especially since Aria & I live in the city, it's so nice to be surrounded by nature! The girls were so FREE & HAPPY & BOUNDLESS, It became contagious & I felt the same way. I wanted to bottle that feeling up and take it home with me...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Brightest Flower in the Field

My baby is three wondrous years full of light, love & laughter. She tells me stories, puts on her apron & pulls up a chair beside me to help cook & do the dishes, every afternoon on our walk with Montana she waves to the old Italian barber on the corner & talks to him through the window (He adores her & calls her his little girlfriend - it's sooooo sweet!) She helps us bottle feed the baby animals Daddy rescues... I'm in awe of her in new ways all of the time... My Superhero Magical Princess Aria
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Saturday, July 18, 2009